Reaction Feature On WhatsApp Beta Can Now Use Various Types Of Emoji


WhatsApp Messenger has already introduced the feature of reacting to a message with emojis. This allows a response to be given to a message without the conversation becoming fluent.

When initially introduced, only six emojis could be used. While the various emoji options can no longer be used, as they are still in development. Latest, in a beta update for WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business for iOS and Android-the reacting feature can already select any type of emoji in various categories.

This update needs to be to version for Android or version on iOS. As with the previous reaction, press the message for a few seconds, there will be an emoji window appear - only now it has a "+" icon. Press the icon to select an emoji that is already built into the system.

Now you can emoji a coffee cup, scooter, any vehicle to respond to a message or want to give a Blue Tick to another user in a more polite way.

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