The Peak of the Delta Aquariids Meteor Shower is Expected to Occur in the Early Morning of July 29th

 The Malaysian Space Agency has now shared that the peak of the Delta Aquariids meteor shower is expected to occur in the early morning of July 29, 2022.

Around 20 meteors per hour are expected to be visible, and can be seen in dark sky and good weather conditions. The Malaysian Space Agency also said that the appearance of this meteor shower is good because there is no moon interference during the peak of the meteor shower.

For information, the Delta Aquariids meteor shower refers to the appearance of a meteor shower in the sky in the area of the Aquarius constellation. This phenomenon occurs every year, when the Earth revolves around the Sun, and crosses the orbital path of Comet 96P/Machholz.

As the comet orbits close to the Sun, the comet dust is released, and the remnants enter the Earth's atmosphere and burn up – forming long glowing streaks, like a meteor shower.

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