The Theory of Noah's Flood Water in the World's Deepest Hole


The story of the flood of Noah's time has intrigued me for centuries. At the very least, among the many questions that arise, they find out what happened to the water flooding the Earth, where exactly did they recede?

In 2016, a group of scientists claimed to have found evidence of a major flood that occurred during the time of Noah in the world's deepest hole, the Kola Borehole, in Russia. The deepest hole is at a depth of 12 km.

Quoted from Express, the evidence was found when Russian scientists dug the deepest hole in the world in Murmansk Oblast, Russia. The dig found something surprising.

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Instead of a dense, dry rocky layer beneath the Kola Superdeep Borehole, scientists have discovered large amounts of water, showing that Earth is not just the crust, mantle and core of the Earth.

Plano Existencial, who released a video of the process of digging this hole, claims, this is where the great flood waters that occurred during the time of Noah resided, as told in the Bible and the Qur'an.

In the scriptures it is told, when the great flood in the time of Noah occurred, the flood covered the entire Earth to a height of more than 6.7 meters above the peak of the highest mountain in the world due to continuous heavy rains. The water receded 150 days later and this was believed to be God's punishment. According to researchers, the water flows into a very deep crevice.

"The rock is not porous but there is water there, supporting the claim that there was a massive flood that covered the entire Earth," the researchers said.

The Kola Superdeep Borehole is the deepest trough in the world with a depth of 12,262 meters or 12 km. In the early 1990s, the hole was closed for no apparent reason.

That said, the closure was done because scientists found something strange there. According to rumors, when scientists drill holes, they hear voices that are believed to be the screams of souls being tortured in hell.

Meanwhile, based on scientific studies, researchers found elements of helium, hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide in the hole. They also found fossils at a depth of 6.5 km.

As for the claim that the deepest hole in the world was the site of the flood of Noah's time, further research is needed, including proving whether there was water there.

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