As one of the largest technology companies in the world, it is only natural that Apple is also a dream place for some people. Who does not want to work in a company that gave birth to the iPhone, iPad, Mac, and various other innovative gadgets.
Job vacancies at Apple are also not all related to technical problems. There are vacancies for design, machine learning and AI, operations and supply chain, software and services, hardware, marketing, sales, and more. Not to mention positions for Apple Store retail stores looking for specialists, business experts, technical specialists, managers, and Geniuses to fill the Genius Bar.
The more vacancies that are opened, the more competitors there are. Fortunately, ZDNet recently shared tips and tricks for those looking to apply for a job at Apple.
ZDNet says Apple of course wants to hire people with high technical skills in their fields. Not only that, they are also looking for candidates who master five soft skills, namely:
Determination and persistence
Obsessive curiosity
Team focus
For some positions, Apple does not require a bachelor's degree as a requirement for enrollment. But job applicants must of course have the skills needed according to the position applied for.
In the early stages of selection, Apple uses automated software to scan several keywords on a candidate's resume. This means that you should create a machine-readable resume and avoid using unnecessary graphics or colors.
For positions that require coding skills, Apple is looking for candidates who already have 4-10 coding projects whose portfolios are on popular sites like GitHub, GitLab, and BitBucket.
After that, you will enter the interview stage which is divided into three parts, namely a 15-minute telephone interview, a skill test or problem-solving session for six hours, and a final interview with team members which can take up to a day.
ZDNet has also attached some of the questions that Apple usually asks during the interview process. The questions are very diverse, ranging from technical to philosophical. Some examples include:
Tell me about a project you have led
If you could go back in time, what would you like to do differently
How are payment credentials stored on the phone
What failures have you experienced before, and how did you overcome them?
What makes Apple different from other companies
What Apple product do you dislike the most and why?