Android May Switch Fully To 64-bit By 2023

 While iOS has transitioned to a fully 64-bit form since 2017, Android has yet to make the full transition. Most recently, according to initial expectations, Android is expected to transition to using a 64-bit version entirely by 2023.

This was discovered through the development code found through the recently released Android 13 code. Through the code, it hints that the Pixel Tablet will offer 64-bit support only.

The Pixel Tablet is expected to be introduced in 2023, and this may also be the starting point for Android 14. If it goes well, then we will see the focus on the 64-bit version only after this.

Google has been making sure that apps published on Google Play support 64-bit versions since the last few years. In fact, since Android 12, this transition has also taken a step forward.

Also in 2023, ARM wants to end 32-bit support on their chip designs, which will further accelerate this transition.

In addition to the global market, in China, several leading companies such as Alibaba, Xiaomi, OPPO, Tencent and Baidu have also joined forces and said they will end support for 32-bit applications this month.

By switching to only the 64-bit version, it is expected to offer several advantages, including in terms of performance and security.

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