Dota, Steam, Epic Games, Counter Strike Blocked, Doomsday For Gamers?


There are eight Private Scope Electronic System Operators (PSE) which were officially blocked by the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo). Starting today, Saturday (30/7/2022) Steam, Yahoo, Dota, and Epic Games cannot be accessed by the public. Yes, mostly game services.

"Yes (Steam includes those that have been blocked-red). There are eight PSEs," said the Director General of Aptika at the Ministry of Communications and Informatics Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan when contacted by us.

The 8 PSEs that have been blocked are Yahoo search engine, Steam, Dota, Counter-Strike, Epic Games,,, and PayPal. From these services, Steam, Dota, Counter Strike, Epic Games to are for playing games and there are quite a few users in Indonesia.

So, quite a lot of complaints were made on social media, especially Twitter. They claimed they could no longer play their favorite games on the blocked platform.

"Steam (and other game platforms) that were blocked had the most effect on me so far. There are hundreds of games in the library, maybe millions have gone there from buying to microtransactions," said a netizen.


"I'm really sorry my friend is a steam player, the platform has been blocked and he's spent a lot more to buy games on Steam," said another.

"This is Steam, Epic Games, Dota, and other games being blocked, meaning that we all get back to playing congklak, ludo, top, galasin, and the like, what's going on?" complained a netizen.

There are also those who explain about the PSE rules. "Why isn't mobile legends blocked but Dota or Steam is blocked? Yes, because ML has registered to the kominfo web pse before the deadline while dota hasn't yet."

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