Each of the Huawei device series has its own focus. For example, such as Huawei Mate which focuses on comprehensive device capabilities including advanced camera systems. As many know, the Huawei Mate 50 is the latest model under the series and rumors about it have been heard for the past few months.
Not wanting to keep guessing, the launch date for the device was shared via a new update on Weibo just now. Huawei is seen to have scheduled a launch for the device on September 6, 2022 but is still tight-lipped about the number of model variants that will be available. However according to early expectations, it will at least consist of four different models which include Mate 50, Mate 50 Pro, Mate 50E and Mate 50RS.
At the same time, Huawei is also expected to include its own XMAGE imaging branding for its photography capabilities on the Mate series this time. Later, improvements to the internal hardware are also believed to be done. With this partnership, we can aim for more device-related information to be shared in the near future.