Last year, LG launched a new monitor with a square design and a 16:18 aspect ratio. This monitor is the LG DualUp Monitor Ergo. It is produced for more comfortable use, without the need to frequently turn left and right, comes with a Square Double QHD 2,560 x 2,880 resolution that mimics two 21.5-inch monitors. The panel is an IPS type.
LG guarantees that their design is more ergonomic than conventional monitors, users will have a harder time suffering from neck pain, and is easily adjustable with a capit type foot that can be changed in height. This monitor can also change its viewing angle upwards at a rate of around 335 degrees.
The LG DualUp Monitor also comes with built-in speakers that use 2x 7W audio drivers tuned with WavesMaxxAudio. For connectivity, it comes with USB-C, HDMI, DisplayPort, USB 3.0 connections and also has an ambient sensor to automatically change the brightness. LG also uses Live Color Low Blue Light technology for the comfort and health of the user's eyes and also supports picture-in-picture mode.
This monitor is finally sold in Malaysia officially with a price of RM2,948. For those interested, the LG DualUp Monitor can be found on Shopee or Lazada.