Malaysian Space Agency Captures Planet Jupiter And Its Moon


The Malaysian Space Agency is now sharing a recording of the observation of the planet Jupiter and its two moons that was made on July 4, 2022.

For information, Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun, and also the largest planet in our solar system. The average distance of Jupiter from the Sun is about 778 million kilometers, and it carries a diameter measurement of about 142,984 km, which is 11.2 times the diameter of the Earth.

Interestingly, it is equipped with around 79 moons, and the 4 main moons are Io, Europa, Ganymede, and also Callisto.

Through the observation recording of the Malaysian Space Agency, they managed to record two of its moons, namely Europa and Ganymede. The Malaysian Space Agency, MYSA also shared, saying "This gas giant planet has bands and vortices which are actually clouds of ammonia and cold, windy water floating in the atmospheric layer consisting of hydrogen and helium gases."

The planet Jupiter takes about 12 Earth years to complete its orbit around the Sun.

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