More Details About Deal Between MediaTek and Intel Revealed

 Last week, it was announced that MediaTek will use Intel Foundry Services to develop their semiconductor chips. At the time, the details of this affair were not yet known, but they have been revealed in more detail now.

MediaTek is said to use the Intel 16 process, which is a 22nm chip construction technology that is typically used to build chip components in electronic equipment that are not that difficult to develop.

MediaTek will reportedly use this Intel service to develop components for electronic products such as televisions, wireless network equipment, most of which may be channeled to MediaTek subsidiaries such as MStar and Airoha that develop television products and WiFi and Bluetooth accessories.

There are also rumors that with this transition, it is seen that small semiconductor manufacturing companies such as PSMC and UMC will lose because this means that they will lose business from MediaTek.

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