Poco India through the latest tweet on the official Twitter hints that there is a new device that will be launched. However, Poco is still puzzled and refuses to share more information on the matter. But the accompanying caption clearly indicates that the device is most likely to be launched under the Poco M series.
The picture with a yellow background with a skin-like design and the word "G99" included also gives some idea about the product. For example, it may come with a leather finish along with a MediaTek Helio G99 chip. Furthermore, recently, rumors about the existence of the Poco M5 4G with the MediaTek Helio G99 chip have also been heard. Thus there is a probability that it is the device intended by Poco.
For now, it is too early to make any speculations regarding this matter. As usual, it is better to wait for further developments from Poco itself from time to time.