The Long History of PSE Rules That Made Steam, PayPal Etc. Blocked

 The blocking of Steam and six Private Electronic System Operators (PSE) was carried out to enforce the Minister of Communication and Informatics Regulation Number 5 of 2020. Here's the history.

The Permenkominfo was made as a derivative of Government Regulation Number 71 of 2019 concerning Electronic System and Transaction Operators, which came into effect on October 10, 2020. Well, this regulation itself is actually a revision of a government regulation made in 2012.

The PP in question is PP Number 82 of 2012 concerning the Implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions, which was later revised because it was deemed no longer in accordance with the development of the times and current needs.

This was also explained by Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, Director General of Aptika Kominfo, in a press conference held on Sunday (31/7/2022). So according to him, the PSE registration policy was not carried out suddenly.

The big change from PP number 82 to PP Number 71 is the criteria and limitations of PSE that are required to register with the government. Article 5 of PP 82/2012 stipulates that PSE for public services is required to register, while PSE for non-public services is not required to register.

That's why, many PSEs claim that the Electronic Systems they organize are not for the sake of Public Services as referred to in PP 82/2012, especially PSEs based abroad such as Instagram, Facebook, Google, and WhatsApp, who are reluctant to be referred to as "PSE for services". public" and has not registered as a Public Service PSE.

In addition, violations of the registration obligation cannot be subject to administrative sanctions by the government so that there is no certainty of registration. Now, the presence of PP 71/2019 is the answer to the uncertainty of the PSE criteria that must be registered in PP 82/2012.

"This PP 71/2019 provides more measurable and more definite PSE criteria that are required to register, namely the Public Scope PSE and Private Scope PSE according to the criteria set by PP 71/2019," said Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, Director General of Informatics Applications. (Directorate General of Aptika) Kominfo, in the information we received at that time.

Then PP number 71 was revealed to be Permenkominfo No. 8 of 2020, which became the legal basis for companies operating digitally in Indonesia, both local and foreign companies, to register PSE Private Scope with the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo).

With this PSE rule, Private Scope PSEs that are not registered within the specified time limit will be subject to blocking sanctions by Kominfo.

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