What Is Gender Neutral That Is Going Viral on Social Media

 The case of Unhas students who claimed to be neither male nor female was suddenly sought after by many people. At that time, a student named Nabil was taking an Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PPKMB) at the Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University (Unhas). What does gender neutral mean?

In fact, gender neutral is an abbreviated form of gender neutrality. Gender neutral itself is a movement where gender does not affect activities, language, profession to position. An example of the gender neutrality movement is the unisex public restroom.

As for gender neutral language, an example is the use of the word 'actor' to replace 'actor' and 'actress'.

Meanwhile, for cases that are currently viral, the word 'non-binary' seems more appropriate. Non-binary is a gender term that does not specifically refer to one gender, male or female. Non-binary assumes that gender identity is based on a person's internal perception.

Is gender the same as gender?

The Nottingham Center for Gender Dysphoria explains that gender and sex are different. If gender is determined from biological conditions, gender identity is more about how someone views their own identity.

Non-binary can be very diverse. Non-binary is further divided into several groups, namely Agender (does not refer to any gender), bigender or multigender (having two gender identities at the same time), and genderfluid (there are two or more gender identities).

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