WhatsApp Wants To Make It Easier For You To Report Bug Issues Directly From The Application

 Sometimes there are users who face certain problems when using the WhatsApp application. For example, if something happened to the message that was sent, not being able to receive the message and at the same time. So far, you can report such problems directly from the application through a setting called Contact US.

However, the option to report this problem will be improved with the support of a new feature called Report Bug. As the name suggests, it is dedicated entirely to bug problem reports. Where, the user can not only provide evidence in writing. In fact, there is also a room to upload screenshots as an option. It is understood that this Report Bug feature can be found through the settings on the application.

So far, it has not been confirmed whether there is a difference between reporting bug problems on the Report Bug and Contact Us features. But, we can aim it will have different priorities among each other. At the same time, this feature is still under development, so it is not certain when it will be distributed.

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