WhatsApp is far behind its rivals as the world's most popular messaging service, with more than 2 billion users. But in the midst of all that popularity, there is a shortage of WhatsApp for its parent company, Meta. What's that?
Yes, since Facebook was bought expensively for USD 19 billion in 2012, WhatsApp, no matter how popular it is, has not become a significant source of income and its potential has not been maximized. Meta, the start-up parent company for Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, is working to change that.
In fact, on the other hand, his fame is feared to be one of the reasons for the reduced number of people accessing the Facebook application itself or cannibals. This was stated by Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, some time ago.
"With the frequent growth of private platforms, in some cases we have seen the cannibalization of public platforms in countries like India, where WhatsApp is very popular," said Zuck.
To gain revenue, WhatsApp was infiltrated by advertisements, but in the end it didn't happen because of the many waves of protests. Whereas Facebook or Instagram become a money machine because of advertising.
"WhatsApp's commitment to users, including data privacy, helps the company become one of the most loved apps, but also prevents it from making a profit. Without ads, WhatsApp has little profit," CNBC quoted us as saying.
Zuckerberg certainly doesn't stay silent, especially so that WhatsApp Business, which launched in 2018, can play a more profitable role. "WhatsApp is going to the next chapter, with business and commerce messages going to be big there," Zuck said recently.
WhatsApp Business currently exists which is free for small businesses and there is a platform for larger corporations, which costs a certain amount. To increase monetization, WhatsApp also plans to launch a premium service for small businesses, which will allow the company to use WhatsApp on up to 10 devices and connect with customers more easily.