In my own personal opinion, the Dynamic Island on the iPhone 14 Pro is the coolest feature I've ever seen Apple offer. They finally did something to the notch in the screen or now the hole to have an interesting function.
Dynamic Island can be a mini display to display the moment of time, the music that is playing as well as turn into a small window for some selected applications. In the world of Android, which has had a perforated screen for years, no one thinks about it.
There are independent developers present with applications such as Energy Ring that take advantage of the screen hole of the device by adding colored coils that look like LED notification lights. Now a developer has come up with the MIUI theme to change the notification tray of Xiaomi devices into something like Dyanmic Island. Based on the demonstration it seems to work well and smoothly.
Only this theme is not hidden in the camera hole, but instead has a black oval shape on the side that can be pressed with animation and design similar to what Apple does. This theme is also limited to Chinese language only for now.
This theme can be obtained through the Xiaomi theme store under the name Grumpy UI. For now it is still in the phase waiting for Xiaomi's approval. Xiaomi will probably block this theme, like the Dynamic Island Style theme by sugertheme which has been removed.