Last year only the Huawei P50 Pocket was able to compete with the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 in the flagship foldable screen device category in Malaysia. With the Z Flip4 already launched, Huawei is now ready to launch the updated P50 Pocket model. Today the design of this device has been leaked through the TENAA site.
The device still uses the same design as last year with the most significant change being on the back which now uses a dual-tone panel. In the picture above it is not clearly visible but the device retains the use of a small circular secondary screen. The main camera also retains the tri-camera configuration like the original P50 Pocket.
Huawei is still not ready to use a larger secondary screen like Samsung and Motorola do. There is still no word on when this device will be launched but with it already entering the TENAA database it will surely be soon.