Netflix is finally receiving an increase in paid subscribers, after a post-pandemic decline. One of the factors in the decline of paid customers is because many people share accounts. According to Netflix, over 100 million subscribers share an account.
Because of that, Netflix started fighting those who share these accounts by warning if it detects the address of each active user in the same account is different. Last July, Netflix began testing the "Add A Home" feature, for users to add different addresses to one account for $2.99 (~RM13) per month. The feature was tested on users in Argentina, Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and the Dominican Republic.
Recently, Netflix stated that this account sharing feature will be widely distributed starting in early 2023. They call this feature as creating sub-accounts and want to generate additional income through it. For those who do not like this feature and want to continue to subscribe to their own account, the profile transfer feature to another account will also be offered so that users do not lose all watch lists, wish lists and more on the new account.