Adobe Substance 3D Update Lets You Create 3D Designs Easier Through VR And Desktop


Adobe Substance 3D also comes with some recent updates. It is an ecosystem that can work with software under Creative Cloud such as Photoshop and Illustrator to produce 3D designs more easily and quickly.

One of the features that has been added to it is Adobe Substance 3D Modeler which allows you to produce 3D with a simpler process. Some editing tools have also been added to Substance 3D Sampler, which is 3D Capture that allows you to turn photos into realistic 3D models.

You can also create 2D designs and match them with Substance materials through Photoshop and Illustrator to get 3D results as if with cloth, wood and so on. There are various types of additional materials and models that you can get through Substance 3D Assets. As a result, you can get a 3D design that looks like the real thing.

Not only that, under the Substance 3D Modeler feature you can also access new ways to create 3D designs where it supports 3D production using VR. This feature allows you as a 3D designer to get a more detailed manufacturing experience as if you were producing real 3D. In fact, the result can also be exported to Substance 3D Painter to add textures and materials, then to Substance 3D Stager for revision and final processing.

There is also a 3D Capture photogrammetry tool that allows you to turn real objects into 3D model designs. Just take a picture and let the 3D Sampler generate a 3D model. Easier and faster.

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