The Apple iPad Mini has been updated in 2021 with a new design similar to the iPad Air and iPad Pro. The sixth generation iPad Mini is powered by the A15 Bionic chip, has a larger screen, supports the second generation Apple Pencil and also comes with a 12MP camera with Center Stage support.
When launched, it was sold at a starting price of RM2,299 for the 64GB WiFi model. Now Apple is seen to have raised the selling price of the iPad Mini for markets outside the United States and Malaysia among the countries affected by the new price.
iPad Mini 64GB WiFi is now sold at a price of RM2,399 (RM100 more expensive), 64GB WiFi + Cellular at a price of RM3,149 (RM200 more expensive). The 256GB WiFi model is now priced at RM3,149 (RM200 more expensive) and the 256GB WiFi + Cellular model is priced at RM3,899 (RM300 more expensive).
Apple did not provide any information on why the sale price was increased. But some of the reasons may be due to currency inflation, costs that are now increasing sharply and other economic factors.