Appointment of KPISoft Develops MySejahtera Not Through Correct Procedure – PAC Report

 The PAC report on the appointment of KPISoft (Entomo) as the MySejahtera application developer was published today. PAC found that the Government did not use proper procurement procedures. The government was also found to be unclear about the purpose of MySejahtera and confused about the appointment of KPISoft, the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its duration and the ownership of the application.

The offer to develop MySejahtera as a CSR at the original level was used by KPISoft to get government projects without going through the proper procedures. In the same report, the PAC found that the government's action to evaluate commercialization proposals is justified in order to protect the security of user data.

Also focused on is that the ceiling price of RM196 million for MySejahtera's revenue for two years is high and contradicts the original plan which said the application was developed under the CSR initiative. Even more surprising is that until April 2022, the Government has not yet registered the intellectual property (IP) for the MySejahtera application on MyIPO as it is still owned by KPISoft.

PAC recommends that the Government review the awarding of the MySejahtera application contract through direct negotiation while MAMPU as the ICT Technical Department is seen as capable of taking over the development and operation of the MySejahtera application.

The government should also fully own the MySejahtera application and ensure that user data is not misused by making it a national public health management tool in line with the digitalization plan for health services.

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