The Redmi Pad was launched globally a while ago with some interesting offers such as a 2K 90Hz screen and a MediaTek Helio G99 chip. Now the Malaysian sales price is also shared which starts at RM899 (3GB/64GB), RM999 (4GB/128GB) and RM1099 (6GB/128GB) For those interested, availability will start tomorrow through Xiaomi's official online store and authorized distributor throughout Malaysia.
For specifications, this tablet uses a 10.6-inch LCD screen with 2K resolution (1200 X 2000 pixels) and a 90Hz refresh rate. It is then matched with a MediaTek Helio G99 chip, memory up to 6GB RAM (LPDDR4X) and internal storage up to 128GB. The battery is 8000mAh which supports 18W wired charging system.
An 8MP sensor is included for the main and selfie cameras. Also included is a 105-degree ultra-wide angle for better use. Next, this tablet is also loaded with four Dolby Atmos-tuned speakers, in addition to the MIUI for Pad operating system.