Sony launched another compact camera aimed at video content producers. The Sony ZV-1F camera is equipped with a 20.1MP 1″ Exmor RS sensor. This is paired with a non-interchangeable 20mm f/2.0 lens.
The camera can record video at 4K 30FPS resolution in 8-bit 4:2:0 format. There are three microphones to ensure good audio recording and also a 3.5mm audio jack for a better additional microphone. There is also micro HDMI for output to the monitor and also a USB-C port used for charging and data transfer.
The screen on the back can be rotated forward to facilitate self-video recording. Through software, the Sony ZV-1F can be used as a web camera. Sony Sony ZV-1F will be sold at the end of October at a price of RM2599 each in black and white.