Since last year, WhatsApp has increasingly focused on user privacy and security. For example the View Once feature that allows users to send media files that can disappear after they have been viewed once. Then they came with the silent exit Group feature, closed the online status and announced the ability to prevent screenshots on View Once.
Some of these privacy features are already available to everyone. But the feature of preventing screenshots on View Once images or videos, has not yet been distributed. Now WhatsApp users on Android if you are running beta version you can already test this screenshot blocking feature.
This update also prevents the ability to record the screen in View Once. Attempts to do these two things will also not announce to other users, instead if it is done only a black screen will be saved as a screenshot on the streaming app Netflix or Disney+ Hotstar. Then the images and videos sent cannot be saved either.
It's just worth noting that if this feature has been distributed to all users, those with a second device can still use the camera to capture a picture of the View Once file sent.