WhatsApp in March started developing a census and voting feature on WhatsApp Groups. This feature was then said to be exclusive to iOS users first, but remained invisible until today.
Recently, WhatsApp Beta on Windows has been updated to version 2.2242.0.0 and this version started to offer some interesting features such as the ability to vote, shortcuts and also view status online.
This shortcut feature allows users to use the keyboard to quickly access several features such as pressing Ctrl + Shift + G will open the Gif panel, Ctrl + F to perform a search, Ctrl + N to start a new chat and more. Previously WhatsApp has introduced Quick Emoji, where entering “:” and “cat” will produce an emoji.
To view online status, it's added to the Privacy section where it will now list Last seen and online. But no settings can be done on it. As for the voting feature, it can only be used by some people at the moment – but if it accepts a vote everyone can do it.
In my own tests, after the update only the new shortcuts and privacy were visible. For the voting feature, it is only present on WhatsApp Mod for Android for now and can also do voting if sent on WhatsApp Group.