Windows 11 2H22 Update Temporarily Delayed For Some Users Due To Driver Software Issues


Microsoft has introduced the 2H22 update for the Windows 11 operating system since September 20, and although many have downloaded this update, there are also a few users who have not yet received the option.

Microsoft has recently announced that this is happening because Microsoft has detected some issues with the installed driver software that will cause problems for users when the 2H22 update is installed.

This includes issues where the printer can only use basic functions, and features such as color printing, duplex printing and so on will not work as they should.

Compatibility with Intel Smart Sound driver software is also shown, and more seriously, updates for the SecureBoot feature cannot be downloaded and installed.

Microsoft has also shown a number of temporary improvements that users can make before they introduce a more permanent update.

If your Windows 11 computer has not yet received this 2H22 update, you may have to wait a little longer to get it.

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