Spooky! Prediction of Human Form in the Year 3000 due to the Effect of Gadgets


Research conducted by a company called Toll Free Forwarding makes predictions about the shape of the human body in the year 3000. They predict changes in body shape that are scary due to the influence of gadgets.

Technology is very important to our daily life and most people actually feel guilty for looking at their cell phone too much.

But it's not just cell phones, many people work in offices, spend time sitting in chairs looking at big screens, typing on keyboards in front of them, all these things change human posture.

According to Toll Free Forwarding's predictions, future humans will have thicker necks, stooped postures, and smaller brains. This picture is quite scary if the prediction of Toll Free Forwarding is correct.

"Technology has revolutionized the way we do business. Whether it's instant access to unlimited knowledge via a device in the pocket, or the ability for businesses to expand into new markets around the world with virtual phone numbers. The scope of technology's impact is limitless," said a Toll Free spokesperson. Forwarding quoted from the Mirror.

"While this is great for job creation, productivity and learning new skills, there is growing evidence revealing the negative effects of technology on our bodies."

In order to see the impact of everyday technology on the shape of the human body, they took scientific research and expert opinion on the matter, before creating a 3D design design that they named "Mindy" for their future human whose physique has changed due to the use of smartphones, laptops, and smartphones. other devices consistently.

On their website, experts explain every evolutionary change we could face. Here's the picture as described in Mindy's picture:

Prediction of the shape of the human body in the year 3000. Photo: Toll Free Forwarding

Curved back and neck

"The distinctive design and user habits of modern technological objects such as smartphones and computer monitors have a significant impact on the way we sit and stand," they wrote.

Humans consistently adjust their body position to look down at our cellphones, or up at the screen in the office. This habit has been shown to make our body parts tense which determines our posture.

Hands grip like claws

The artificial human arm reveals two significant anatomical changes, which are directly attributable to smartphone use.

This condition is called text claw, which is the hand gripping like a claw. This shape prediction is based on human habits that consistently grip the smartphone. Over time, according to this prediction, the fingers will curl and their position will become unnatural.

90 Degree Elbow

The next prediction is smartphone elbow, which is a 90 degree elbow condition caused by the typical position of the arm when holding and using a smartphone, either for general use or during phone calls.

thick neck

Mindy's posture also shows the effect of technology on the neck which gives rise to a new condition, namely a thickened neck. They call it a "tech neck."

Thicker skull

"We all know technology can distract our brains from important work, but does it have any permanent damage to Mindy's brain?," they wrote.

Based on their smartphone-centered research, there is a growing concern that the radiofrequency radiation emitted from smartphones could cause serious health implications when exposed to the brain and skull.

Smaller brain

They added that the next change in Mindy's appearance that is invisible to the naked eye is the shrinking of the brain.

"Humans may have developed thicker skulls, but if one scientific theory is to be believed, technology can also change the size of our brains," they said.

Second eyelid

The weirdest prediction of Mindy's body shape might be on her eyelids. Researchers predict people in the future will have a second eyelid.

"One area that not many people touch is the eyes. Research related to the intensity of staring at a screen that causes headaches, eye strain, and even blindness, is the reason Mindy's body looks like this," the researchers wrote.

According to Kasun Ratnayake of the University of Toledo, he predicts that radical evolutionary developments in the eye may occur in response to limiting exposure to harmful amounts of light in our eyes.

"Humans could have developed a larger inner eyelid to prevent excessive light exposure, or the lens of the eye might have evolved to block blue light from entering. But other high-wavelength light such as green, yellow or red can still penetrate it," he said. .

Do you think it makes sense to predict a future human form like Mindy's? Or do you have another opinion?

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