10 Most Interesting Artificial Intelligence Technology News 2022


Artificial intelligence is the talk of the town because it is now capable of producing artwork, writing long essays and generating videos with only short text input from the user. There are predictions saying the country that controls artificial intelligence will control the world. Maybe this is true. Here are the 10 most interesting artificial intelligence technology news of 2022.

1. Perak Introduces Smart Traffic Lights Equipped with Artificial Intelligence

Perak launched the state's first smart traffic light system - equipped with artificial intelligence support to ensure smooth traffic flow in Ipoh City last June. For now, it is being tested in four locations in Ipoh before being expanded to other districts in stages with it expected to reduce congestion by up to 51%.

The four locations where this smart traffic light system is installed are at the intersection of Jalan Sultan Idris Shah and Jalan Laksamana; the intersection of Jalan Sultan Idris Shah and Jalan Datuk Onn Jaafar; the intersection of Jalan Sultan Idris Shah and Jalan Raja Musa Aziz; and the intersection of Jalan Sultan Idris Shah and Jalan Raja Ekram.

In developing this smart traffic light system, it involves collaboration between the Ipoh City Council and Telekom Malaysia. This system has been tested since last November, and is now finally officially introduced.

2. 2022 Is the Year of the Rise of Artificial Intelligence Generating Images and Videos

The year 2022 is the year artificial intelligence that can become images by simply taking text input from users reaches the mainstream. The arena that people didn't really care about is now the talk of the town thanks to DALL.E 2, Stable Diffusion 2, Google Imagen, DreamFusion, LENSA and Make A Scene.

It opened a debate on the ethics of using artificial intelligence to replace human artists. Should compensation be paid if an artificial intelligence imitates the style of a prominent living and deceased artist? At this time the resistance to artificial intelligence was started by artists.

There are also those who laugh at this artificial intelligence for not being able to produce images with accurate anatomy. Laugh now while you can because DeepMind used to be laughed at as just a chess and Go machine. It is now the basis of various artificial intelligence whose capabilities are better than humans.

3. Deepmind Is Maturing And May Be The Real Skynet

We touched on DeepMind in the paragraph above. We're giving a special segment on DeepMind's achievements throughout 2022 here as they launch some more world-changing artificial intelligence. AlphaCode announced in February can write code as well as humans. A month later, DeepMind was used to interpret incomplete ancient documents.

In July, DeepMind published all 200 million protein structures that can exist in the world discovered by AlphaFold artificial intelligence through the collaboration of EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI). Since AlphaFold began sharing the structures it discovered publicly a year ago, more than 500,000 scientists have accessed its database.

Finally in September DeepMind trained artificial intelligence to play soccer and the Sparrow chatbot was announced which can perform Google searches to find answers to questions it cannot answer. It would not be surprising if in the future DeepMind becomes a real Skynet and we can only pray it does not produce Judgment Day!

4. OpenAI Launches ChatGPT That Produces Essays Based on Short Inputs

The Stable Diffusion and DALL.E 2 controversies have not yet subsided for using an artist's work without permission to copy the style. Suddenly at the beginning of this month, ChatGPT was launched by OpenAI with the ability to produce short essays based on input entered by users.

Like normal chat software, ChatGPT can generate short essays based on a wide variety of requested topics. It takes mere seconds to write a text that would take a human several minutes to do the same.

A few days after its launch, it was used to write a children's book and then hit 1 million users within a week. Because ChatGPT can be used for free, the question arises how to track the work produced if a student wants to avoid writing homework himself.

5. James Earl Jones Sells Darth Vader's Voice Rights To Be Used By Artificial Intelligence

Actor James Earl Jones is responsible for lending his iconic voice to Darth Vader's character Mufasa. He is now 91 years old and wants to stop giving his voice to the character of Darth Vader. In order for Vader to continue to be used for the next Star Wars series and film, Earl Jones has sold the rights to use his voice to an artificial intelligence firm.

Respeecher a firm from Ukraine now holds the rights to reuse his voice. With self-developed artificial intelligence, Earl Jones' voice can be used for various desired scripts.

The use of all artificial intelligence to record dialogue is now widely used. Val Kilmer's voice in Top Gun Maverick and his documentaries was produced with artificial intelligence and the film Fall re-recorded the voice using artificial intelligence to delete the original dialogue that contained gibberish.

6. Dead Woman Chats With Attendees At Funeral Using Artificial Intelligence

James Earl Jones lent his voice while still alive to an artificial intelligence firm. But Marina Smith from the UK used artificial intelligence to chat with attendees at her funeral.

Artificial intelligence technology by StoryFile combined with a holographic avatar of the late Smith answered questions asked by the audience as if he were still alive. Before he died, StoryFile used 20 cameras to record a question-and-answer session with Smith, with the youth also answering a variety of selected questions.

StoryFile has been developed since 2017 to collect stories from famous people like William Shatner so that future generations can interact with them after they have died.

7. Synthetic Party Wants Artificial Intelligence to Run in Danish Elections

Are we ready to be ruled by artificial intelligence? In Denmark the art collective Computer Lars has established the Synthetic Party with the leader of this political party being an artificial intelligence. The party is currently gathering enough votes to allow it to contest the Danish elections.

Among the manifesto of the Synthetic Party is to raise the minimum wage to 100,000 Krone (~RM60,138) and want to introduce the use of algorithms in modern political activities. To be allowed to run in the election, the Synthetic Party needs to get around 21,000 signatures of support. Therefore the interested public can interact with artificial intelligence through the Discord service to discuss current issues.

8. This Sci-Fi Movie Was Produced Using Artificial Intelligence

DALL.E, DeepFake, Midjourney, Murph, and Stable Diffusion are among the artificial intelligences that can be used to produce fake photos and videos that look realistic. Because the capabilities of intelligence are now getting better, Fabian Stelzer, an entrepreneur from Germany, announced the movie Salt, which was produced using artificial intelligence. .

The film, titled Salt, will use artificial intelligence-generated images as backgrounds, props and even virtual actors. Other software will then be used to produce the animations and movements of the actors in the film. Unlike traditional films, Stelzer takes input from the public through social media to come up with a film plot that is not written before it is produced.

9. Intel FakeCatcher Can Detect Deepfake Videos With 96% Accuracy

Deepfake technology allows an individual's face to be pasted onto another individual's face in a video. This can lead to defamation if the technology is used for the wrong purpose. To detect this forgery is also not easy because Deepfake technology is maturing. Therefore Intel launched FakeCatcher software which they say has 96% accuracy in detecting fakes in videos.

What makes FakeCatcher interesting is that this artificial intelligence detects blood flow to distinguish genuine videos from fake videos. On a real human face, changes in the skin can be detected as blood flows. This does not happen with faces patched using technology such as DeepFake.

10. Google Fires Engineer Who Says LaMDA Artificial Intelligence Reaches Sentient Level

Google engineer Blake Lemoine who last June claimed that the artificial intelligence Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA) reached sentient beings has been fired. Previously he was simply suspended but the dismissal was done because he violated the company's policy on data security and the guidelines that Google employees must follow.

Lemoine also claimed that LaMDA had feelings and emotions in the two-way conversation. His claims have been refuted not only by Google but artificial intelligence researchers from outside the company.

LaMDA was developed by Google to produce artificial intelligence capable of carrying out conversations like real humans. It's especially useful for virtual assistants like Google Assistant who can now make phone calls with real people in some countries like the United States.

BONUS – Google and Meta Continue to Produce Universal Translators

There were so many artificial intelligence successes this year that it forced us to add an additional entry dedicated to the development of a universal translator. In a science fiction movie, humans go to an alien planet and a universal translator enables two-way communication to be done in real time using two different languages.

Google and Meta announced their real-time translator project this year. The Google 1000 Languages Initiative project wants to develop an AI model that can understand 1000 languages. The model will be trained to support 1000 languages so that in the future it can not only be a universal translator but can also be used to recognize images, videos and voice commands in various languages.

Meta, on the other hand, is developing artificial intelligence that can translate languages in real time so that users of metamesta can communicate better. According to Meta around 20% of the world's population does not use a primary language that is supported by commercial translation software. Malay belongs to this group. Because of the lack of language support, they have difficulty interacting with global users and their views are not heard.

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