5 Facts about the Javanese Eagle, a Legendary Endangered Bird

 Will the Javanese eagle become extinct? To be able to answer this question, let's see the explanation in this article.

It is known, the types of fauna in Indonesia have touched the number of more than 200,000 species, which includes birds. Based on data from Indonesian Birds, there are at least 1,598 bird species in Indonesia.

However, of the large number of bird species, it is not uncommon for some of their species to become endangered one by one. One of the endangered species is the Javanese eagle.

This was revealed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) that the Javanese eagle is included in the EN (Endangered) status or endangered. In addition, the Government of Indonesia also stipulates the Javanese eagle as an animal protected by law.

The extinction of this legendary bird is thought to be due to the large number of poachers who seize the eaglets and then trade them for personal gain. This is a serious threat to the sustainability of the Javanese eagle which is decreasing.

Quoted from Fauna and flora, the Javanese eagle or called Nisaetus Bartelsi in the Latin name is one of the endemic species that can only be found on the island of Java.

In 1993, the Garuda bird was symbolized as the national symbol of the Republic of Indonesia which was predicted to be quite identical to the Javanese eagle. Because during the struggle for independence, this bird was often found in the forest areas of Java Island.

Thus, here are five facts about the Javanese eagle that we have summarized from various sources. Listen, here's the full explanation.

1. Characteristics of the Javanese Eagle

Adapting from the Rimbakita website, if one observes the Javanese eagle has a distinctive feature in the form of a crest which amounts to two to four strands with a length of about 12 cm. Uniquely, this crest is black and white at the ends only.

Generally, the overall color of this bird's plumage is brown, especially on the wings and back. On the chest and belly, the color is much darker brown with streaks.

This legendary bird, which has a medium body size, has a maximum height of only 70 cm. As for the wings, when stretched it can reach 100 to 130 cm.

Like a singing bird, the Javanese eagle is also capable of emitting a fairly distinctive and loud shriek. When compared to the brontok eagle, the Javanese eagle's voice is much higher and more hoarse.

2. Habitat of the Javanese Eagle

If you look at the name, surely you can already guess for yourself that this bird comes from the land of Java. Quoted from Rimbakita, the habitat of the Javanese eagle is in a lowland forest area which will later be used as an area for nesting or hunting for prey.

For the nest area is an area of territoriality or an area that is considered to be controlled. Because there are many prey such as fauna that are much smaller than them. Usually, this predatory animal will make a nest in a tree at a steep altitude of 1,100 meters above sea level.

3. Javanese Eagle Population

From the data owned by Taman Safari Indonesia in 2018, the number of Javanese eagles is no more than 200 pairs. This population is quite small, even below the safe limit. So this is what triggers a big threat to its sustainability.

Moreover, the Javanese eagle cannot develop quickly because this bird is one of the animals that is very loyal to its partner. Where these monogamous birds only mate with one partner for the rest of their life.

4. The Javanese Eagle is Endangered

If you look at the previous explanation, you must have found the answer, right? It is true that the Javanese eagle is endangered due to the slow breeding process.

The reason is that within two years the Javanese eagle is only able to lay one egg with only one egg. Because the original habitat of the Javanese eagle is starting to be destroyed, the hope for the baby Javanese eagle to live is very slim.

5. The Javanese eagle was chosen as the national symbol

Launching from the Indonesia.go.id page, after Indonesia's independence, the government felt that this country needed a state symbol. Finally on January 10, 1950, the government held a contest and it was won by Sultan Hamid II who came from Pontianak.

After being elected, the 1st President of the Republic of Indonesia provided input and improvements to differentiate it from the Bald Eagle which is the symbol of the United States. Soekarno also added a crest on the bird's head which is very identical to the Javanese eagle.

Therefore, the Javanese eagle is interpreted as a resemblance and is considered as the ruler of the land of Java which is in line with the ideals that the Indonesian people become a strong and great nation.

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