Ice Rain Makes An Excitement in Cawang, Here Are Facts About Sleet


Hail occurred in Cawang, East Jakarta. BMKG Climate and Air Quality Information Dissemination Coordinator Hary Tirto Djatmiko explained hail was caused by the presence of cumulonimbus (Cb) clouds. He said there were three particles in the cloud, namely water droplets, super cold water droplets and ice particles.

"So that heavy rain which is still in the form of solid particles in the form of ice or hail can occur depending on the formation and growth of the cumulonimbus (Cb) clouds," Hary told us.

Scientifically, hail is known as 'sleet'. This differs from freezing rain, because when a sleet occurs, ice has already formed. Meanwhile, freezing rain only freezes when the water reaches the surface.

Here are some interesting facts about hail or sleet:

1. Cause of Sleet

When snowflakes fall through small layers of warm air, hail is formed. When a snowflake comes in contact with other cold air, it partially melts and then refreezes.

2. Snow and hail, which is more dangerous?

Sleet is said to be more dangerous than snow because it melts after it falls. However, snow falling and cooling the surface can make the roads slippery.

3. How big is the falling sleet?

Sleet are spherical ice particles. It has a diameter of 0.3 inch or less. Hail is formed as a result of the freezing of raindrops or the freezing of partially melted snowflakes.

4. Another term hail

Apart from hail and sleet, another term is 'ice pellets'. If in your area, maybe the name can be different.

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