The Growth of RI's Digital Economy Is Haunted by Cybersecurity Issues


The Indonesian government is promoting digital transformation to accelerate economic recovery. But the issue of cyber security is something that needs to be highlighted.

Digital transformation to accelerate economic recovery is the main agenda raised by the G20 Summit some time ago. Indonesia as the G20 Presidency, responds that the digital economy is the key to the future, as a pillar of economic resilience and contributes 15.5% of global GDP.

Through the digital economy and digital transformation, the Indonesian economy will be opened to greater potential for economic growth, especially in sectors such as finance, manufacturing and services.

However, with the rise of the digital economy, cybersecurity risks are also increasing. In recent years, cybersecurity has not only become a rapidly growing threat, but has become an increasingly important consideration for almost every company and government (ministry/institution/agency) in Indonesia.

Novel Ariyadi as Director, Data Privacy & Protection, BDO - Advisory assesses that there are still many companies and government institutions that still do not realize the importance of building trust in the digital sector.

"In fact, with the increasingly rapid use of technology in business as well as in everyday life, security risks and violations of cyber laws are always lurking," said Novel in the Cybersecurity and Privacy Outlook 2023 webinar.

He conveyed, losses that could be caused by cyber law violations and data misuse could cause damage to corporate reputation, material loss, significant business impact, theft of intellectual property rights, to fatal risks due to the vulnerability of national security.

"It is very clear that companies, governments and individuals must synergize and collaborate closely. We hope that this webinar can contribute to creating a safe and comfortable cyber environment for the advancement of Indonesia's digital economy," said Novel.

Previously, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) saw that data leakage due to cybercrime had the potential to cause economic losses of up to USD 5 trillion in 2024, so this needed to be mitigated through digital security and privacy protection.

One of the things that became the core of the G20 discussion was how stakeholders could be able to build trust in the digital sector, including through global digital governance (global data governance).

This also encourages the government to legalize the legal basis to provide security for personal data which is a human right through Law no. 27/2022 concerning Protection of Personal Data (UU PDP) on 17 October 2022.

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