Warning! These 4 Habits Can Make HP Explode

 How we take care of the HP that we have can determine how long our device lasts. Our habit of treating cellphones also affects security when using our cellphones.

There are several cases where the cellphone suddenly exploded, causing fear in some people. However, it's not just a problem from the factory, how we take care of HP must also be considered.

These 4 habits can threaten your cellphone to explode and cause sparks. Don't let you do it, ok!

1. Do not use the appropriate charger

The voltage required to charge the cellphone varies, so it is recommended to use a charger from the cellphone manufacturer. If you use Samsung, you should use a charger from Samsung. If you use an iPhone, use an official charger from the Apple Store.

Don't also 'mix & match' the charger cable and the head because the wattage can vary. The risk is that the HP battery can be damaged over time. Likewise when changing the battery, make sure to only use the original battery.

2. Use a cable that is not feasible

Have a charger, the cable must be properly cared for and cared for. A damaged cable can cause the cellphone to catch fire and explode.

3. Covering the cellphone when it's charging

Even though it sounds ridiculous, closing the cellphone while it's being charged (for example with a blanket or placing it under a pillow) can cause the cellphone to overheat. An overheated cellphone can be dangerous, it can cause the cellphone to explode and start a fire. When charging, the cellphone should not be used or used but not excessive.

4. Bringing HP to extreme temperatures

Now you know that the enemy's HP is hot weather. But what about cold weather? Basically HP is optimal at temperatures of 0-35 degrees Celsius. If you frequently expose your cellphone to extreme temperatures, the cellphone battery can be damaged and cause long-term harm.

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