YouTube's Comment Filtering System Now Uses AI To Delete Abusive Messages


Comment sections on social media are often misused to leave insulting, obscene and sometimes off-topic content. It is the duty of community moderators to filter such content and then ban users who leave it. But with thousands of comments that can be left during a streaming session, this task becomes too much for one human.

YouTube has improved their comment filtering system when streaming to prevent incidents of comments that do not meet the platform's standards from being left out. Using artificial intelligence, abusive and insulting comments can be automatically filtered. According to YouTube 1.1 billion comments were successfully deleted in the first 6 months of 2022.

Users who leave such comments will be automatically warned by the system and the comments will be automatically deleted. If they repeat it again, a 24-hour ban will be automatically given as punishment. Channel owners can still ban users permanently if this is a more appropriate step. For now this feature can only be used on chat and comments in English only.

In addition to a better comment filtering system, YouTube also introduced a notification of how long it takes to process uploaded videos.

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