5 Levels Internet, Deep Web Is Nothing

 If you think the dark web is a level of the internet that is very difficult to explore and dive into, it turns out that there are other levels that are much deeper than that. Maybe you just know about the dark web or deep web, but there are other terms that you need to know too, you.

As Gadnwid wrote, here are five levels of the internet that you need to understand. Apparently, the dark web is still in the middle.

1. Surface web

The first level of the internet is the 'surface web' or known as the 'visible web'. Surface web is the internet that we often access every day. It is the home of popular websites like YouTube, Twitter, Wikipedia and also Google.

2. Bergieweb

To the next level of the internet, there is the Bergie web. Bergie web requires a proxy, tor or modification to the hardware you are using. At this level, you can go deeper but the websites in it are still indexed. An example is 4chan which is a photo forum where the sender can be anonymous.

3. Deep web

If you think the deep web is the deepest part of the internet, you are wrong. It turns out that the deep web is still in third place. On the deep web, search engines cannot index sites. Access can only be done through The Onion Router (Tor).

4. Web charters

Web charters are divided into two, the first is usually accessed with Tor and the second is 'Dark Web'. The dark web can be accessed with a hardware modification called the 'Closed Shell System'. Here, it is believed that there is a lot of information related to mysterious things such as Atlantis, World War 2 experiments, and can even be used to buy weapons, illegal drugs to anything that cannot be bought at your local shop.

5. Mariana Web

Even though there are actually other levels between the Mariana Web, let alone the Mariana Web, the levels above are already very dangerous because not just anyone can enter it.

Mariana Web is the deepest part of the internet. Who owns or finds it is still a mystery. It is believed that only the United States can access this and it requires a quantum computer whose existence is very difficult for ordinary people to obtain. He said, this is where the US keeps its government secrets.

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