Viral fraud mode on WhatsApp that leads victims to download 'wedding invitations'. Similar to the package photo scam that turned out to be an APK, now there is another scam that is exactly the same. Don't forget to remind those closest to you to avoid fraud that can drain your account.
In screenshots circulating on the internet, an unknown person sends a message on WhatsApp. The person seems to force the recipient of the message to download the 'wedding invitation'. In fact, if you pay attention, the file is in the form of an APK.
"We hope his presence," said the impostor.
"Who is this..." replied the recipient of the message.
"Please open it so that it is clearer and you know kk," replied the scammer.
This new fraud mode on WhatsApp is similar to the 'package photo' scam which turns out to be an APK extension. This fraud uses the method of 'social engineering' which is made by the perpetrators on behalf of the expedition. So, this scam doesn't just stop when the victim downloads the application.
Some time ago, cyber security observer from Vaccine, Alfons Tanujaya, explained that most likely, the victim did not realize that he had installed a malicious application and gave consent for data access. In this case the SMS access and forwarded to Telegram.
"Actually, the SMS to Telegram action is not enough to take over the account and the hacker needs to know the UN, password and transaction PIN. This is known by tricking victims into phishing sites as if there has been a change in transfer rates which were busy yesterday, BRI and BCA transfer rates increased to 105 thousand per month. From there you can get UN, passwords and transaction PINs," he explained.
Wow, it's really terrible, fraud nowadays. Come on, friends, spread the word so that your parents and relatives don't get caught up in this scam.