So far NASA and other space agencies have found no evidence of life on Mars. But recently NASA discovered a giant 'bear' on Mars. How come?
Of course not a real bear, just an arrangement of rocks that from above looks like a bear's face. The sighting of this giant bear was captured by NASA's Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter (MRO).
This apparition does look a lot like a bear, with a round head, muzzle and mouth in the center of the circle, and two eyes above it. Even though it looks like a bear, it doesn't mean that this face was drawn by aliens on Mars.
According to the explanation of the University of Arizona operating the HiRise (High Resolution Imaging Experiment) camera at MRO, the muzzle and mouth of this bear are formed by collapsing structures in the shape of the letter 'V'.
While his eyes are ordinary craters. The circle that forms the head is a circular fault pattern.
"The circular fracture pattern may be caused by the deposition of deposits on top of a buried impact crater," said the University of Arizona in the HiRise Picture of the Day blog, as quoted by us, Friday (27/1/2023).
"Perhaps the nose is a volcanic or mud pit and the deposit could be lava or a mudflow?" he continued.
This photo was taken using a HiRise camera on December 12, 2021 from an altitude of 251 km. The size of this bear's face is also much larger than bears on Earth, with a diameter of about 2,000 meters.
The appearance of strange objects or faces on Mars is an example of pareidolia, in which the human brain easily recognizes facial-like appearances in any object.
One of the most famous sightings of faces on Mars is 'The Face on Mars' in the Cydonia area which was caught by the camera Viking 1 in 1976. The Mars Global Surveyor photographed the same area in 2001, and revealed that the appearance of the face is the effect of resolution lowly Viking 1 camera.
Last year the internet was also shocked by the appearance of a door-like appearance on the Red Planet that was snapped by the Curiosity rover. Of course that apparition was only a stone arrangement that was even only 30 cm high.