These 3 Fossils Turn Out to be Fake, Even though They Made a World Shock


Every information we receive must be filtered again. Don't be fooled, as in the case of fossils that once shocked the world, uh... you know, they're fake. Hmm, I like making up ignorant hands that make hoax information.

Reported by Popular Mechanics, here are three fossils that turned out to be fake but had caused a stir among netizens. If you are not careful and look for real information, the public could be deceived by the existing photos.

1. The Cardiff Giants

There is a 10-foot-tall fake mummy that is said to have been found in New York. In fact, it was George Hull who deliberately ordered a gypsum statue that was carved in 1868.

When it is 'discovered', of course it is of concern to many people -- except for scientists who have doubted it from the beginning. Hull himself said that this was not a hoax but rather 'proof' that religious people are easier to accept any information they think fits with the contents of their book.

2. Fijian Mermaids

The Fiji Mermaid is actually a monkey's body sewn onto a fish. PT Barnum which is an entertainment company and circus owner then bought this 'artifact' in 1842 and made people curious. Without a doubt, this is a fake fossil!

3. Alyoshenka

Alyoshenka is actually a premature child who was born in what was once a nuclear testing site. Because of its different shape, there are people who believe that this is evidence of aliens. Even worse, there were claims of fake DNA tests that deliberately wanted to make people believe that Alyoshenka was an alien.

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