The new year is a moment that many people use to make new resolutions. Because, at that moment it is hoped that everyone will also have a new enthusiasm to change their life for the better.
However, in reality the process of having and implementing new resolutions is often difficult to implement so that it becomes only a discourse and fails to be realized. So, so that the resolutions you make in 2023 don't run aground in the middle of the road, I think you need to pay attention to the following things.
1. Make Realistic Resolutions
Having lots of good resolutions to achieve is a good thing. Starting from having investments, saving for holidays, buying dream gadgets, and many others. However, it must be realistic so that it can be realized and not just a mere discourse.
Most failed New Year's resolutions are caused by feeling pressured for big changes in the following year. Therefore, make resolutions as realistic as possible so you don't burden yourself in the future.
It would be nice to have a few good resolutions but they can be realized, compared to many resolutions but only end up being dreams that you cannot have.
2. Make a Plan
You have to draw up the right resolution plan. Apart from being realistic, having an organized plan will make it easier for you to carry out and realize the resolutions you want to achieve.
How to plan the right resolution, you can start by making a specific resolution and setting a target time. For example, if you want to have savings this year, then you can make the plan more specific by mentioning the nominal and target time, you want to have $1000 in savings in 5 months and so on.
3. Monitor Every Progress Achieved
If you already have a proper and structured resolution plan, don't forget to monitor the progress you've made. To monitor progress, you can use tools that can monitor your progress with the tools on your cellphone or laptop.
By monitoring progress, you will know how far you have come and know what can be improved or continued in the future.
4. Share with Friends & Family
There's nothing wrong with sharing your resolutions with friends and family. The reason is by sharing a resolution plan, your friends and family can help remind you of the resolution you want to achieve if you feel tired to make it happen.
Aside from being a reminder, friends and family who know your plans can provide the best tips and advice to achieve your resolutions properly.
5. Appreciation of the efforts that have been made
Don't forget to appreciate the effort you have put in making this resolution a reality. No matter how small you have done, say thank you for yourself.
For all the efforts that you have done, you deserve to be appreciated. You can appreciate yourself by buying the food you like, listening to music from your favorite idol. Or a simple way that you can do is to give yourself positive affirmations every morning before starting activities.
Those are 5 things you can pay attention to so that your resolution is realized. To make your 2023 resolution easier to come true, you can take advantage of the STASHES feature from BIGPAY.
It's easy, all you have to do is open the BIGPAY application, then tap STASHES on All Services. Then tap Make a Dream & set your target. After it's done, tap on your dream then select Fill in Balance.
So, using STASHES will make your resolutions clearly structured and make it easier to achieve various dream targets. In order for your resolution to be achieved faster, you can also continue to add to the STASHES balance that you have.
By adding a balance at Bigpay STASHES, the resolution you dream of, whether it's investing, buying gadgets, to traveling to destinations you've never visited, is getting closer to your eyes. So what are you waiting for? Come on, download BIGPAY right here!
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