Viral Email About "TM Family Bonus Gift" Is Fake

 Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) in a statement appeared to deny the email about the "TM Family Bonus Gift" program that went viral recently. The email claims that the company will inform customers about the winners of cash prizes under the program, while also asking the recipient to provide personal details to make a claim.

TM insisted that the email in question was not issued by its side and that it was a fraudulent modus operandi. Accordingly, TM asks the public to ignore it and be more careful by not replying or providing any personal details. According to the same statement, TM also confirmed that there are no programs in the form of family gift bonuses or lucky draws that require the recipient's personal details for the purpose of gift guidance.

On this occasion, TM also urges the public to always be careful when receiving messages from suspicious email addresses and unknown phone numbers. If this happens it is better if the user immediately refers to the relevant authorities. As a precaution, users can also check with relevant organizations before participating in any rewards program.

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