Differences between ChatGPT Plus and Regular ChatGPT that you need to know

 OpenAI, as the company behind ChatGPT fame, has officially released its paid version. So, what's the difference between ChatGPT Plus and regular ChatGPT?

About two months ago, users could still use the sophistication of this chatbot for free without limits. But in the end the Developer monetized the Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology platform.

Since its release in late 2022, OpenAI decided to make two versions of ChatGPT on February 1, 2023. First, users can enjoy it for free, and secondly, they can subscribe with a number of benefits in it.

However, at that time the service titled ChatGPT Plus had not yet launched in Indonesian territory. Until finally they stopped in the country a few days ago.

The beginning of its appearance was in the United States. Then they expanded access and support to several countries including Indonesia.

Based on the information submitted by OpenAI on the official website, there are some differences between ChatGPT Plus and regular ChatGPT. For more details, see the following brief presentation.

Difference between ChaGPT Plus and Regular ChatGPT

1. Price

As the developer touted, ChatGPT Plus is paid. So if users want to enjoy more benefits on this platform, they have to spend some money.

After researching, we found that the required fee is USD 20 per month. But even though they have subscribed, people can still enjoy the free version.

2. Usage Time

ChatGPT's popularity is so great, that many people use it. This is unavoidable and often these chatbots are difficult to use at certain times.

Now with the presence of ChatGPT Plus, users don't need to worry about that anymore. OpenAI has said that they will provide access to provide convenience to their consumers even during busy hours.

3. Faster Response

For those who don't know, ChatGPT is a chatbot service that relies on AI sophistication. Here users can take advantage of its advantages, to provide information like the Google search engine but in a chat format.

The developer said that by subscribing, the response given by this chatbot is faster. This is considering that usually the platform they make takes a few seconds to minutes to provide the requested answer.

4. New Features

The last difference between ChatGPT Plus and regular ChatGPT is in the features offered. They promise access to new features, which provide a more satisfying user experience.

Those are the four differences between ChatGPT Plus and regular ChatGPT. So from the series of benefits that OpenAI offers, are you interested in subscribing?

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