Google Chrome 110 Introduces Memory And Energy Saver Mode For All


Google Chrome is a web browser that is known for its high consumption of CPU power, memory and battery power. Various changes have been made to this web browser, but generally people will say that it is still a web software that consumes a lot of device resources.

At the end of last year, Google Chrome came up with two new features that are said to help with these issues, namely Memory Saver and Energy Saver which will reduce the use of both resources.

Memory Saver will stop memory usage on unused tabs for a period of time, and will refresh the web page when the tab is reactivated. For Energy Saver, it will limit the power consumption in the background, and reduce the frame rate of a video and stop the animation on the website and will be activated automatically when the laptop's battery is seen to be less than 20 percent.

These functions were introduced periodically at the end of last year, but with the latest Google Chrome 110 update, this feature seems to have been introduced to all users.

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