Three mysterious objects in space or UFOs were shot by the United States military, in addition to a spy balloon from China. So far, the military is still trying to find the remains of the UFO. The President of the United States, Joe Biden, also spoke.
Joe Biden said there was no evidence the UFOs were linked to spying programs from other countries. "We don't really know what the 3 objects are. But at the moment there is nothing to indicate they are related to China's spying program or are reconnaissance devices from other countries," he said.
"The current assessment from the intelligence community is that the three objects are most likely balloons associated with a private corporate, recreational or research institution studying the weather or conducting scientific research," he added as quoted by us from CBS News, Friday (17/2/2023).
With the simultaneous shooting of 3 UFOs plus Chinese spy balloons, are there really more and more similar objects roaming the American skies? this was not the case.
"We have no evidence that there was a sudden increase in objects in the sky. We are now seeing more because of improvements in the radar (system)," said Joe Biden.
"Make no mistake, if any object presents a threat to the safety and security of the American people, then I will take it down," he concluded.
The unidentified object shot down by US fighter jets over northern Canada on Saturday was a small metal balloon with a payload underneath. The object shot down over Alaska was the size of a small car. Meanwhile, the object shot over Lake Huron is described as an octagonal structure with ropes attached.
"These objects look nothing like and are much smaller than the Chinese balloons, and we will not characterize them definitively until we can locate the debris, which is what we are doing," a national security council spokesperson told CNN.