Will be asked to pay for news content in Indonesia, this is Google's response

 Google responded regarding the Indonesian government's plan to implement Publisher Rights rules or journalistic publisher rights. This rule will regulate digital platforms, such as Google to Facebook, to pay for news content.

The internet giant said it is working with news publishers to help them digitally transform and grow.

"We are proud of our contribution so far to the Indonesian news industry. Google has just announced that we will increase our commitment to fighting misinformation and continue to develop our existing partnerships with many news publishers in Indonesia," Google said as quoted from its official blog, Friday ( 17/2/2023).

Furthermore, said Google, it revealed that the Publisher Rights Presidential Regulation (Perpres) which was being drafted was expected to produce the right regulations.

"With the right regulatory framework in place, we believe we can do much more to promote and support quality journalism, for example by increasing access to the training we provide and starting to roll out our content licensing program through partnerships with various local, regional and international publications. leading national in Indonesia," he said.

The company, founded by Sergei Brin and Larry Page, explained that they will continue to invest in building partnerships with the Indonesian news industry because we believe this will benefit all parties, both journalists and news publishers as well as users and Google.

"We want to be able to continue this investment in Indonesia in the future," Google said.

Also on this occasion, Google said regulations that were too restrictive or one-sided could hinder the company's ability to effectively run services for all users.

"Therefore, we want to share some of our main principles in creating an effective regulatory framework in Indonesia," said Google.

As previously reported, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) ordered the Minister of Communication and Informatics (Menkominfo) Johnny G Plate to discuss the draft Perpres Publisher Rights to coincide with the commemoration of National Press Day. Jokowi gave a deadline of about one month.

In the last statement, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) is currently speeding up discussions on the draft Perpres Publisher Rights with related parties.

"The draft presidential regulation in general consists of the substance of the obligations of digital platforms to cooperate with press companies in order to support quality journalism and implement the presidential regulation. In formulating the draft presidential regulation, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics took into account the principle of press freedom that Indonesia adheres to," concluded the Director General of IKP of the Ministry of Communication and Information Usman Kansong .

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