3 Ways to Create a WhatsApp Link to Chat Directly without Saving the Number

 Do you often have trouble when you want to chat or make a WhatsApp call because the contact has not been saved? Did you know that you can send messages and make WhatsApp calls without saving the contact first?

You can create a WhatsApp link so that others can easily contact him without having to save the contact number first. Usually, making WhatsApp links is done by business owners. But there is no need to worry, because creating a WhatsApp link can be done by anyone.

Come on, see 3 ways to create a WhatsApp link so that you can chat directly without saving the number. Listen carefully, you!

1. Create a WhatsApp Link with https://wa.me

You can create a WhatsApp link with the format https://wa.me/telephone number. The method is easy, just create the link https:wa.me/6285678**** in the address column located at the top of the screen. Keep in mind, the contact number used must start with 628 not 08

After successfully creating a WhatsApp link with the format, the next step is to press 'enter' and later you will enter the WhatsApp chat room on the number to be sent to

Then, you can choose the green button that is 'continue chat' to start a conversation.

2. Create a WhatsApp Link in WA.Link status

Another way to create a WhatsApp link is in the WA.Link status. The site will facilitate the WhatsApp link automatically. The way to create a WhatsApp link in WA.Link status is to open the site https://create.wa.link/

Then select the country phone number code. After that, enter the contact number in the column that is already available

You can add emoji by selecting 'add emoji' and then adding a message in the 'add a custom message this users send you' column

After that select the 'preview' button to see how the message on WhatsApp that has been added will look

When finished, press the 'generate my wa.link' button to get a WhatsApp link.

3. Making a WhatsApp Link with Text

From the WhatsApp link you want to share, you can include a short message to provide information to other WhatsApp users. The message can appear automatically when other users click on the WhatsApp link that you have shared

You need to know, the WhatsApp link writing format is different from the others, namely https://wa.me/(telephone number)? Then followed by the text you want to add

You can insert the %20 symbol so that the added short message has a space, because the %20 symbol functions as a space in the short message you will deliver

For example, you want to write "Hi, good afternoon". So, the written formula is https://wa.me/62856789876543?text=Hi,%20,%20selamat,%20siang

To make it easier, you can copy the formula above, then change the number and also the text you want to write.

Well, those were the 3 ways to create a WhatsApp link so that you can chat directly without saving the number. In your opinion, which is the easiest? Please comment below. Good luck!

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