America Will Ban Investment Into Chinese AI, Chip And Quantum Computing Companies

 China is the biggest challenger to the technological dominance of the United States at the global level. Realizing that their position is about to be threatened, various technological restrictions have been imposed by the US on China on the basis of "national security". Supercomputer, telecommunications and intelligence technology companies have been blocked for the past four years. To curb it more deeply, the United States will also ban investment in Chinese companies involved in certain technology sectors.

According to a WSJ report, the U.S. Treasury Department will begin a program to ban investments in Chinese companies involved in the latest semiconductor technology, supercomputers, quantum computing and artificial intelligence (AI). With this ban Washington wants to prevent their technology from being shared with China for military purposes.

President Biden is expected to issue an executive order enforcing this ban in the near future. A comprehensive effort is being made by the U.S. to ensure that China cannot access the latest technology. Through their allies Japan and the Netherlands, state-of-the-art chip printers were prevented from being exported to China. AMD and NVIDIA are only allowed to sell AI chips with reduced capabilities.

After Biden won the presidential election, many thought he would withdraw the barriers imposed by Donald Trump but now the opposite has happened.

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