Apple's AR Headset Will Have Features to Help the Visually Impaired


The AR/VR headset is expected to be shown this April with various interesting features. It is still a bit of a mystery as it sounds like it can combine the real world with virtual objects and the ability to become a giant movie to watch video content. Now Bloomberg reports that Apple has plans for this headset to be used by the visually impaired.

Through various built-in cameras and sensors, Apple's headset in the future can be used by blind people as a navigation tool using audio commands. For those who have vision issues that are increasingly affected due to generative diseases, the headset can display various information to improve vision.

AMD (Age-Related Macular Degeneration) for example creates a blind spot in the vision of the sufferer. Apple's technology is expected to fill in these blind spot areas to allow AMD patients to see normally. All of these will be accessible by enabling accessibility mode on the headset when it launches later.

In other words, if this technology is successfully developed by Apple, the science fiction glasses of the character Geordi La Forge from the Star Trek series who is blind but can see using special glasses will become a reality.

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