Camera With Speed 1 Pertrillion Seconds Developed To Record Atomic Movement


Atoms vibrate so fast that they cannot be seen by the naked eye. Year after year, scientists are always looking for ways to capture the movement of atomic particles to understand them more deeply. Scientists from Columbia Engineering and the Université de Bourgogne have developed a new camera with a shutter speed of 1 pertriiion second (1 Picosecond).

This neutron camera is fast enough to clearly capture the motion of atoms. Existing camera systems can take pictures of atoms but the results are blurry because they are not fast enough. After use, scientists now know the true structure of GeTe crystals. The movement of atoms in the crystal structure can be seen more clearly after using this neuron camera.

While this neuron camera is fast, it's not the world's fastest camera. This record is held by the CUSP technology camera developed by Caltech in 2020 which can take pictures at a rate of 70 trillion FPS.

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