Google Chrome Now Makes It Easier To Use Desktop Mode On Android


When a website is opened on a mobile device's web browser, regardless of Android or iOS, the displayed content is already optimized to fit the screen. But this will render some exclusive features of the desktop version unusable.

Therefore the web browser comes with a desktop mode feature. For tablets, only the Apple iPad offers the best user experience where Safari's desktop mode is similar to using a desktop. But on Android this is still difficult to use and sometimes some browsers hide this mode.

Latest on Google Chrome, desktop mode has become more interesting to use. Whenever desktop mode is turned on on a website Chrome remembers it. It doesn't matter if you turn off the device or tutu[ tab and come back tomorrow the previously open website will remain in desktop mode.

This feature is already being rolled out by Google in stages. At the time of writing this feature is still not visible on my Android device. Will you use this feature?

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