Today Google has opened registration of interest for their ChatGPT-like artificial intelligence service Bard. Google also said that Bard is still an experiment and needs the public's help to train it.
As such, feedback provided by Bard may not be accurate. Google also shared that they used the Google Assistant development team to make Bard a success. The Assistant team has years of experience in the functions and features of conversations with artificial intelligence (digital assistants) either with voice or text commands.
The Assistant team is also said to have experience in turning products in research and experiments into products for commercial use. Bard will also not be a replacement for the Google search engine and the Google Assistant digital assistant.
With the help of this Assistant team, the future Bard can be like a human who answers something like Google Assistant who can now give feedback in a natural way including "thinking" and saying ummm....
Let's wait together.