Grab AudioProtect Launched To Improve Passenger Safety


Grab always acts proactively and is committed to ensure the safety of users and drivers. The latest Audio Protect feature has been introduced to make the travel experience safer. At the same time, it also helps to reduce disputes that arise between drivers and passengers. For information, it has been tested since September last year and is now being distributed openly through notifications received on the application recently.

Specifically, this feature works as an audio recorder that can be activated by the driver or passenger at any time, and can record audio throughout the journey. The audio recording will also be encrypted and stored on the device for a period of five days before being automatically deleted if no security-related incidents are reported.

It is also understood that the encrypted audio cannot be accessed by any party whether passengers, drivers or Grab unless there is a security-related incident. Otherwise, the recording will only be sent to Grab for security report purposes.

This in simple language is when an unwanted incident occurs, the audio recording will be uploaded into the system for review by Grab. These files will be kept for six months for reference purposes if the case investigation is prolonged. Then it is deleted automatically after the case is completed.

Here's how to activate the Audio Protect feature: Account > Safety Settings > Enable AudioProtect. We have enabled but have not found any Safety Setting features on the app so far.

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